Black Wood
Concert Pictures!
My Fanfiction
Me! Me!! ME!!
My Bitches!
Stories, Jokes, Poems, Ect.
Kinks! I mean...Links!!!
Talk To Me!!!
Pure Anime!
Bands and Celebs
Me! Me!! ME!!

Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

Okay so I decided to put a more detailed explaination of me... I thought it'd be a good idea seeing as this page is about me. Anywhoo, I'm half-white and half-Mohawk. I'm Wiccan and I'm Bi. I'm 15. I'm really crazy, and kinda violent. I like rock music. It just seems more real then other music. I tolerate other types of music and have a few favourite songs in other music. I do not tolerate drugs, drinking and sex before I turn 16. I get very hyper quite easily. That's all for now... Bye-Bye! 


The Mad Hatter looked crazy in this picture, and i'm pretty much always crazy, so that's why this picture is in here instead of in the Pure Anime section!


Yesh that is me. I don't know what the hell I was thinking in that pic but whateva.

Favorite Quotes

Okay, so here are some quotes from the new Crow movie; Wicked Prayer.

'I fear that you have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve.' -War

These are a bunch of quotes from a GC DVD courtesy my friend Jeryck Phibley!
"And now, I'm going to go to the bathroom. And no, you can't follow me in there!" - Billy

"I'm not famous, you're just all crazy." - Billy
"I was good, right?" - Billy
"It's a weird story actually. We were all gong to your mom's house. We all got there at the same time and met on the porch." - Benji
"You know who else likes making out? Sum 41. I know from first-hand experience... Or, my friend does..." - Benji
Interviewer: Would you ever consider turning in your instruments to learn choreography and become a boy band?
Benji: Umm... after you shot me in the head.
Random Girl: Paul come over here, I want some lovin'!
Paul: You want some lovin'? What am I, Your Whore?!
"I went from band member to extra like that. Story of my life." - Paul

"Billy drives like an old grandma." - Paul

If i were in that pit, i would be making out with everyone of you!-Joel

"This is a really intimate gathering... (pause, something flys up on stage) ...So intimate in fact, that someone just threw their bra up on stage!" - Joel

"I don't want to see anyone leaving single tonight. I want everyone to leave impregnated." - Joel

"A building gets torched. All that is left is ashes. I used to think that was true about everything - families, friends, feelings. But now I know that sometimes, if love proves real, two people who are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart."
                                           -The Crow

Here is a scene from the movie The Crow:
Albrecht: DON'T MOVE!
Eric Draven:i I thought cops always said "Freeze!"
Albrecht: Well, I am the police and I say don't move, you move Snow White and you're dead!
Eric Draven: And I say I'm dead ... and I move...

Here is a scene from the Crow yet again, between Eric and one of the bad guys:
Fun Boy (after being amazed by Eric's healing hand): Jesus Christ!
Eric (sarcastically): Jesus Christ...stop me if you've heard this one. Jesus Christ walks into a hotel.
[first gunshot]
Eric (quite unemotionally): Ow. (strutting) He hands the innkeeper three nails and asks... [gunshot 2]
Fun Boy (desperate): Don't you ever fuckin' die?!?
Eric: "Can you put me up for the night?"

Maybe you have figured out that most of the quotes are from the Crow:
(After getting shot in the leg)Fun Boy: Oh God! Look what you've done to my sheets!

The next three are from the second Crow movie City of Angels and all said by Ashe Corven:
 Does this corpse have a familiar face?
 Pain is my power.
 One crow, sorrow. Two crows, joy. Three crows a letter. Four crows a boy. Five crows, silver. Six crows, gold. Seven crows a secret never to be told. 

Here is a whole bunch of quotes from the Simple Plan DVD!!! Thanks to the simply perfect plan MSN Group!!!
"I just got some new boots today. I'm gonna go see what they have to say about my boots" -David
"Stop filming me man" -Jeff
"That's a cool color, I like it" -Pierre
"I am Sebastien and I play in punk rock band Simple Plan." -Seb
"This is too beautiful." -Seb
"I will come to your house, and I will cut you." -Seb
"I used to clean the stupid toliets at my stupid highschool." -Seb
"My name's Pierre." -Pierre
"Hi guys I'm Jeff." -Jeff
 "Hey what's up, I'm Jeff." -Jeff
"Hey what's up I'm Chuck." -Chuck
"I am Sebastien." -Seb
"And I'm David, and I'm David, an we're Simple Plan."

Favorite Stuff

Favorite TV Shows: Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Inu Yasha, X/1999, and other stuff
Favorite Movies: Interview with the vampire, Queen of the Damned, Sleepy Hollow, The Matrix trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Reign in Darkness
Favorite Music: Rock!
Favorite Book: The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Clause
Favorite Foods: Pizza, mac & cheese...
People I Most Admire: Lestat. Oh you mean a real person?

Here is a stupid thing I like to do: walk backwards!! You should try it sometime! It's fuuuuun!!!