The link to the site is found underneath the explaintion.
Okay so this is just my Xanga site. for those of you who don't know what a xanga is its basically
a online blog, and this link is mine:
My Xanga Site
This is a website centered around Xander. I don't go to this one often but it is a really great website!
I Need A Parrot
Here is a website that has TONS of Willow fanfic! It's one of my favorites and I visit it daily! HIGHLY recommended
Near Her Always
A link I higly reccomend because if you don't know about this website you do now! It is a website
to find almost evrything on Wicca.
Witch Vox
Here is a awesome website most of my friends know from me just talking to them about it. It is a
website where people post fanfiction about anything they want. This website has almost anything you can think of. You
can of course read the fanfic.
Here is a link to a awesom and funny quiz site. They are quizzes made by other people, and some aren't finished and some
are really really stupid. But, altogether a pretty cool site. There are over 40,000 quizzes there!
Here is a link only for girls. The website is for girls of any age,
and there are lots of fun stuff there. Plus, it's a really really great place to go for advice of any kind. ANY KIND!
This is a site by Llewellyn publishers and this is their main site. They publish Books and other things that all relate to
Wicca. It's got some fun stuff on there too, and you can buy books and things from them.
Llewellyn Publishers
This is a website where you can find pictures of alot of different actress and there really good ones too! Good site!
Superior Pics
here is a big gallery for queen of the damned....
Queen of the Damned Photo Gallery
Here is a website where you can take a quiz to find
out which level of hell you are going to and there are other things in a little link side bar too.
Dante's inferno Test
These are websites where you can get anime pics (animecubed), and you can get anime wallpapers at the other one (animewallpapers).
Anime Cubed
Anime Wallpapers