Here is where the anime stuff goes....
WEll of course I can't remember this characters name either but he is from D-N-Angel so that should help.
This is Dark, form D-N-Angel. He looks cute here eh?
These characters are from Juvenile Orion. They are both guys by the way. This is actually the first picture I ever drew
so I'm quite proud of it.
Another guy from Demon Diary. I cna't remember his name either....hmm. Anywhoo, I think he is hot but he is actually
very stupid. Its a waste.
This is some guy from Demon Diary whos name I can't remember. I don't particularily
like this picture, mainly because I messed the hair up very badly!
Here is Setsuna Mudou from Angel Sanctuary. The hero is all tied up! *points
and laughs* oh but he looks so sad. Pity. *evil smile*
Here's Kamui! I think he looks sooooo purrtty!!! And he seems so innocent in this pic... HAH! Kamui? Innocent? DOn't make
me laugh? HAHAHAHA!
Heres Yoh Askura. He looks so sad. I love him, in the friendly way....
I have here a pic of SESSHOUMARU!! You all better worship him like the sex-god he is!! No I'm just kidding!! Click on the
image for a better view!!